The Sad Truth About Your Home Buying Goals

We all have them…

That one friend who is always going to do something…

Going to do that 5K

Going to start that business

Going to take that trip

Going to start cooking at home

Going to arrive at events on time…

After years of hearing the same song on repeat like another trending TikTok song…

You stop believing them.

The words coming out of their mouth all become white noise.

You just hear them talking and KNOW to not follow up because nothing is going to change.

You realize that it’s a literal waste of your time to keep hearing the same tune of their “going to” song on repeat.

Just like we start to subconsciously ignore our friends who talk the talk but never act…

We also start to subconsciously ignore ourselves

The more you keep ignoring your goals…

The more you keep saying I will… but then you don’t.

You start to subconsciously ignore yourself by losing confidence in YOU.

The biggest demotivator is NOT keeping the promises you make to yourself.

Big or small…

Whether the promise is making your bed in the morning or sticking to your budget.

How are you doing on those goals you set in January {{ subscriber.first_name }}?

How many times have you made that same goal, and the next January comes around, and you are making that same goal again…

Because you didn’t keep your promise?

We are days away from the middle of the year…

And I am being a little bit selfish right now.

I am writing this as motivation for you, as much as I am writing this as motivation for me.

There are plenty of goals I haven’t yet crushed this year…

so, let’s BOTH get our life together, and start keeping our promises to the most important person…


What I know is what doesn’t get measured doesn’t improve.

So go back and dig through those goals you made in January.

Look at them.

Think about them.


and be honest with yourself.

Have you made any progress?

Did you take steps toward doing the top things on your list?

What can you do to make even MORE progress in the second half of the year?

To figure this out, take that original goal and make that goal 10 times bigger.

This will force you to execute at a higher level to achieve that goal.

I love ​this video ​on finding the core things that will help you efficiently acheive your 10X “impossible” goal.

You still have time.

It’s not too late.

A lot can happen over the next six months.

Accountability will help you go further faster…

It’s part of the reason why I am going to continue to do ​CashFLOW Accelerator​ cohorts. You are less likely to quit if there is someone pushing you to keep going.

If your top goal has anything to do with buying a house, whether it’s your first house, third house, mobile home, or a condo, DM me and let me know what your goal is! I’ll check in on you to keep you motivated!

My top goal is gym related. And my 10X “impossible” goal is to bench press 185 pounds.

I could use an accountability buddy or two or five ha! DM me on Instagram if you have a gym-related goal and we can keep each other accountable!

I hope your second half of 2023 is more impactful than the last 5 years combined!

Nobu Musekiwa

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

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Who is Nobu Musekiwa?

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

Whenever you are ready, here is how I can help you: