How To Worry Less And Make Decisions Quickly

I felt a flood of annoyance sweeping through my entire body.

All I was hearing was blah blah blah… blah blah.

I guess he got uncomfortable with the “IDGAF what you are saying” stare I was giving him.

And he finally stopped talking and asked me why I was looking at him like that.

I told him, “I didn’t ask for your help.”

Have you been really into a YouTube video, then a pesky AD starts playing right before the juicy part…

But then you don’t hit the skip button to get back to the video.

Cause the AD is a movie trailer and the movie actually looks…


This happened to me while I was attending a virtual event for YouTube Creators.

I was learning a ton.

I was meeting new people.

And I was VERY excited about what I was going to implement on my YouTube channel after the event.

Then all of a sudden, a trailer to promote and sell tickets for their in-person conference the following year started playing.

I say trailer because this AD was a whole production!

It FELT like the trailer for next summer’s biggest blockbuster movie.

There was heart-pumping music…

Quick changes to different scenes…

Transitions to make you FEEL what was on the screen.

I was sucked ALL the way in.

The event was the following year on my birthday.

And I thought to myself…

“I’m definitely not going to buy these tickets because I already have my flights booked for a trip to Zanzibar.”

Despite knowing that I wasn’t going, the trailer was dope AF, so I kept my eyes glued to the screen.

In the trailer, they said they already had ONE speaker locked in and guaranteed to speak at the event…

The beat of the music got faster…

Scenes started looking even more riveting…

The suspense was so thick my palms started getting sweaty Marshal Mathers style…

Then BAM!

They announced who the speaker was.

And I LITERALLY started screaming!

I swiftly grabbed my credit card out of my purse, and it was RIP to the Zanzibar birthday trip.

It was at that moment that I realized I was a Gary Vee fangirl. 😅

That was probably the FASTEST buying decision I have ever made.

If you don’t know who Gary is, but believe that YOU are responsible for YOU and your life outcomes, you probably will be a fangirl (or boy) too once you start watching his videos.

In a video of his that I watched recently, he shared that he had an opportunity to invest in Uber in its infancy.

If he had made the investment, he would have made a ridiculous amount of money.

Ridiculous as in half a billion dollars.


With a B!

But he doesn’t dwell on the “missed opportunity”.


Because he has no idea what the outcome of his life would have been had he made the investment.

He said he could have been traveling to China for an Uber meeting and been hit by a bus and died.

That resonated with me.

How about you?

What’s the one decision you made that you keep playing on repeat over and over again?

What are the could haves and should haves that are keeping you hostage in your head?

How many times have you analyzed the same problem, come to the same conclusion, but still not taken action?

I have been doing more of the following, and maybe you should too:

Make a decision and keep it moving.

You will NEVER know if you made the right decision or not.

So why spend your time and energy dwelling and wondering about it?

I was planning on spending the whole summer in the Northeast.

But instead, I just arrived in New Hampshire on August 16th.

I am not beating myself up about the delayed trip.

I am accepting that everything that led to me coming 3 months later than planned is as it should have been.

✅ I arrived just in time for my dad’s birthday.

✅ I am hanging out and having a blast with my parents and my siblings.

✅ I learned about a business opportunity from my brother’s friend that I am currently exploring.

✅ And I have been entirely off the grid and taking time to reflect.
– No socials.
– No emails.
– Minimal phone time.
– I am about to reschedule a podcast interview so I can be fully present with my family.

It’s been great.

I am not worried about NOT being here at the end of May as planned cause I don’t know what that would have looked like.

Life is short.

Enjoy the moments now because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

I am a control freak, so I fully understand the need to plan everything.

But at the same time…

Most of the shit we worry about doesn’t really matter.

I didn’t look back when I dropped 1K for that conference to SOLELY to go see Gary Vee in person.

And today I am doing my best to similarly, make decisions, keep it moving, and enjoy the NOW.

I like the way it feels so far, and hearing Gary share his Uber storywas a good reminder to worry less, be decisive, and live more.

If Gary’s message also resonated with you, share this with a friend who needs to see this today!

Nobu Musekiwa

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

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Who is Nobu Musekiwa?

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

Whenever you are ready, here is how I can help you: