Watching Out For This One Behavior Will Save You From Hiring A Terrible Real Estate Agent

I felt a flood of annoyance sweeping through my entire body.

All I was hearing was blah blah blah… blah blah.

I guess he got uncomfortable with the “IDGAF what you are saying” stare I was giving him.

And he finally stopped talking and asked me why I was looking at him like that.

I told him, “I didn’t ask for your help.”

And then proceeded to go under the barbell to do my next set of squats.

I was in the gym for no more than 15 minutes, and this complete stranger walked up to me and gave me unsolicited advice on how to squat better.

This story isn’t about me being annoyed at the gym though…

It’s about being confident about what you are doing and ignoring advice from people who haven’t asked you what you are trying to do.

Any advice about how you should buy your house that isn’t qualified with an understanding of what you are trying to do, is not advice.

It’s just someone talking about their opinion….

And you don’t have to care what that opinion is.

Even if that opinion is from a real estate professional.

Picture this…

You meet a realtor for the first time, and they start telling you all these neighborhoods where you should buy a house.


They haven’t asked you if you have any areas in mind.

They haven’t asked what amenities you want around your house.

They haven’t asked if you have children and if school quality is important to you.

They haven’t asked what are deal breakers for you in a neighborhood.

This is a realtor I would run away from fast and wouldn’t work with.

Even though this realtor technically is a “professional”, their “advice” is a 0 to the left.

What the realtor wants is irrelevant.

The advice should be based on the customer’s needs and desires… not theirs.

They should be asking you questions about what YOU want first, before giving you suggestions.

And if they don’t…


It’s perfectly fine to disregard their suggestions and move on to the next realtor if needed.

Be confident that YOU know what you want.

Be confident to disregard advice that is not relevant to you.

Dude at the gym had a nice body.

He definitely works out.

But I didn’t listen to a single word he said because he assumed he knew my lifting experience.

He also gave me advice on a problem I didn’t have.

He knows enough to get results on his body but he doesn’t know enough about ME and my goals to give me advice.

As you are choosing which real estate professional to work with, if what they are telling you seems off, ask yourself …

Did they even ask what my goals are?

If the answer is no….

Throw the advice in the garbage.

And if needed…

Find a real estate professional that is a better match for you.

One who WILL try to understand your needs instead of pushing their own agenda.

Have you talked to a real estate professional who assumed what you need without asking you?

DM me on Instagram and tell me the story!

Nobu Musekiwa

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

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Who is Nobu Musekiwa?

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

Whenever you are ready, here is how I can help you: