The Only Reason You Can’t Buy a House This Year

One my of favorite YouTube channels right now is Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

I have had the most recent video I watched on repeat.

In it, Dr. Hardy says your current reality is a reflection of your present and past commitments.

Creating the future version of yourself that you want is a battle.

That battle is the constant struggle to shed the habits, thoughts, and rituals that are keeping you stagnant.

Central to winning that battle is an ironclad commitment to take action and move toward your goal.

If you are not acting.

If you start and stop.

If you never start.

If you wish it, but never do it…

You are avoiding your goal.

What is the financial future that you want for your future self?

Are you moving toward that future or are you avoiding it?

DM me on Instagram and let me know what action you are committing to today that will you do to move towards the most prosperous financial future for your future self? 

Nobu Musekiwa

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

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Who is Nobu Musekiwa?

I am obsessed with making a little bit of money create a whole of freedom.
I help women leverage their money to create financial freedom by strategically buying their first house so they can spend more time on the things they want to do, and eliminate any and all situations that no longer serve them.

Whenever you are ready, here is how I can help you: