“We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we truly believe in, and those we never think to question.”
– Orson Scott Card
I have seen this quote twice in the last three days in two different mediums, from two completely unrelated people.
There are no coincidences. So I am paying attention and taking this quote to heart.
I’m sharing this with you in case this is a quote you need to take to heart as well.
Perhaps there are some beliefs you never even thought to question that need to be shaken up.
Beliefs that you never thought to challenge.
Or beliefs you never realized are your blind spots.
Take my client for example.
She believed she couldn’t get a line of credit for funds to buy her next house. But, my questions made her doubt her beliefs and change her actions.
Her action after her belief shift led to her getting access to 150K to use as a deposit for her next house.

Want big shifts this year?
Start by having more conversations with yourself about your beliefs.
→ Beliefs impact your clarity.
→ Clarity leads to action.
→ Action leads to results.
Start questioning:
what you believe you deserve.
what you believe you are capable of.
what you believe you want.
Here’s an activity to get your conversations with self started.
Step One – Ask yourself these two questions:
- What’s one thing I’m really good at?
- What’s one thing I’m really bad at?
Step Two – ask three people who are close to you those same two questions.
Step Three – ask one person who doesn’t know you so well the same two questions.
Step Four – reflect on the responses (common themes, outliers, surprises) and filter them through your responses.
The exercise might solidify the beliefs you have. Or might help you open up to the idea that perhaps what you believe to be true has room to be reevaluated.
Both of which are great outcomes.